Your Assessment Results

Based on your answers, see how orthodontics can improve your confidence and whole body health.

You’re doing great with your health—Congrats!

But you might still be concerned about your smile, aesthetically. We can make it even better.

You know your smile is a reflection of your personality. And because of this, you’ve taken good care of your teeth. But I think together we can make your smile shine as bright as your beaming personality.

Orthodontic treatment really isn’t as scary, expensive, time-consuming, or painful as people think. New technology is constantly being developed, standards of practice have changed significantly, and costs have decreased dramatically. All of this means that getting treatment for orthodontic problems today is very different from what it used to be. Orthodontists are here to help and we really do have a passion for making a difference in people’s smiles . . . and their lives.

We’ve helped countless patients transform their smiles (and their confidence) with orthodontics. We achieve beautiful smiles with beautifully balanced faces, and we help people eliminate chronic pain, breathing disorders, and disrupted sleep, leading to healthier lives.

Ready to take your next steps towards a brighter smile and healthier life?

Great! To learn more about how we can improve your smile and your quality of life, visit our website. There, you can find information on our treatment options, schedule an appointment, and ask us questions directly. We’re never too busy for you! We’d love to talk with you about making your (or your child’s) smile as bright as it can be!

Order a copy of our book, Breathe, Sleep, Live, Smile, for more insight into how the health of your mouth affects the health of your entire body!

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Follow Lynn on LinkedIn and Ed on LinkedIn. Or reach out to us on Facebook, and Twitter.

Drs. Lynn & Ed Lipskis


Over 35 years of experience, Drs. Lynn and Ed Lipskis are passionate about using what they’ve learned to help patients find lasting relief.

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Breathe, Sleep, Live Book Cover


Integrative Treatments For TMJ/TMD, Sleep Apnea, and Orthodontics

This is a guide to navigating your treatment options for chronic pain related to the face, jaw, and airways.

About The Book

Media Inquiries

Drs. Lynn and Ed Lipskis have a dedicated media department. Members of the press are welcome to contact us.