
Mental Health = Dental Health: Reducing Stress and Embracing Mindfulness (Stress Awareness Month)

Mental Health Equals Dental Health: Reducing Stress and Embracing Mindfulness (Stress Awareness Month) Stress is not just something we feel emotionally and mentally, it’s something that affects our bodies physically. You may be surprised to learn that stress can take a toll on dental health. April is National Stress Awareness Month, making this the ideal […]

Bruxism: The Ins and Outs of Teeth Grinding

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is quite common: The National Sleep Foundation estimates that 8% of adults grind their teeth at night, and that rate is believed to be even higher in children. Here’s what you need to know about it. Signs of Bruxism Teeth grinding occurs most often at night. Signs of teeth grinding include: […]

The Undiscussed Side Effects of Sleep Apnea

We’re all familiar with the most common side effects of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) – loud snoring, disturbed sleep, and daytime sleepiness. But OSA can lead to a long list of side effects, many of which are under-discussed. OSA occurs when a blocked airway prevents the body from getting the air (and oxygen) it needs. Breathing […]

Sleep Apnea: Symptoms and Treatments

Sleep apnea is a condition where breathing stops during sleep. Breathing may stop from 5 to more than 30 times an hour, lasting ten seconds to several minutes each time. This causes the oxygen level in your blood to drop. That’s potentially hundreds of times each night that the body and brain are deprived of […]